Discipleship Challenge

How do I begin to study the Bible? Do I need a workbook or study guide? How about a Bible study from one of those well known Bible teachers or preachers? Many people are overwhelmed when they think about Bible study and quite often we pastors can tend to complicate matters with Greek and Hebrew, word pictures and all sorts of extra stuff.

Here is the key to effective Bible study that has been hidden in plain sight for 2,000 years. 
Romans 10:17 (NASB95)
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

Here's the challenge: For 30 days listen to the word of Christ every time you have an opportunity. This means that you will put away Christian music and Christian radio (teaching, preaching and praise & worship music) for one month and listen to the New Testament only. Listen while you shower and getting dressed in the mornings. Listen while you drive to and from work. Listen in place of devotions and other Bible readings. Look for any down time that you can plug in to the word of Christ. See if you notice any changes.

You can purchase the New Testament on CD at any Christian book store for under $20. Web sites that have free Bible downloads are http://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com/  and  http://audiotreasure.com/ . For the Iphone there is Bible.is and Spoken Word Audio Bible, both are free. For those who need visual cues try the Gospel of John, the Gospel of Matthew and Visual Bible all available at http://www.christianbook.com/ .God bless you as you study His word.


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