Spiritual Emphasis Month Guide

Spiritual Emphasis Month Guide Spiritual Emphasis Month Prayer Opportunities 

 Live Prayer on Facebook (facebook.com/Ed.the.Pastor) and YouTube (youtube.com/EdThePastor) Tuesday at 6 pm 
 Prayer Walk on Thursdays (see Daily Challenges) 
 Sanctuary open 30 mins before Sunday services 

 Discipleship Opportunities

 Wednesdays at 6:30 

Daily Bible Challenges

The Bible reading challenges are from books of the Bible that start with the letter “J.” The Gospel of John, The Epistle of James, 1st,2nd & 3rd John, Jude, Joshua, Judges, Job, Jeremiah, Joel, and Jonah. 

 5 mins listening or reading daily 
 5 Chapters a day reading or listening 
 5 Books of the Bible 


 Please fast one meal on Friday and pray for your church 

Daily Guide January 2021 

January 1 Fast one meal and pray for your church 
January 2 Spend 10 minutes thinking about what you can do for the Kingdom 
January 3 Come early to church and pray 
January 4 Call, text or visit someone to encourage them 
January 5 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 6 Discipleship at the church 6:30 PM 
January 7 Prayer Walk 6:00 PM Hillcrest Park entrance 
January 8 Fast one meal and pray for your church 
January 9 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 10 Come early to church and pray 
January 11 Call, text or visit someone to encourage them 
January 12 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 13 Discipleship at the church 6:30 PM 
January 14 Prayer Walk 6:00 PM Mike Hatfield’s house 
January 15 Fast one meal and pray for your church 
January 16 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 17 Come early to church and pray 
January 18 Call, text or visit someone to encourage them 
January 19 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 20 Discipleship at the church 6:30 PM 
January 21 Prayer Walk 6:00 PM Cipriano house 
January 22 Fast one meal and pray for your church 
January 23 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 24 Come early to church and pray 
January 25 Call, text or visit someone to encourage them 
January 26 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 27 Discipleship at the church 6:30 PM 
January 28 Prayer Walk 6:00 PM TBD 
January 29 Fast one meal and pray for your church 
January 30 Pray with someone in-person or virtually 
January 31 Come early to church and pray


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