Notes for Celebrate!

Nehemiah 7:1–5; 66–73
Nehemiah 8:1–18
2. Premature celebration
Leon Lett in the Super Bowl
3. Almost done
Now when the wall was rebuilt and I had set up the doors, and the gatekeepers and the singers and the Levites were appointed, then I put Hanani my brother, and Hananiah the commander of the fortress, in charge of Jerusalem, for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many.
4. Almost done (continued)
Then I said to them, “Do not let the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is hot, and while they are standing guard, let them shut and bolt the doors. Also appoint guards from the inhabitants of Jerusalem, each at his post, and each in front of his own house.”
5. Don’t confuse being done with being finished!
Wall full height
Gates and bars set
Who’s in charge?
What do they do?
6. Other problems
Now the city was large and spacious, but the people in it were few and the houses were not built.
7. Work is not finished
Solutions often reveal other problems
You must be willing to do “one more thing”
8. Leave room for God
Then my God put it into my heart to assemble [everyone] to be enrolled by genealogies. Then I found the book of the genealogy…
9. Plans are good
Let God Speak
Ask counsel
10. Statistics
Assembly 42,360
Servants 7,337
Singers + 245
Total 49,942
(He even counted beast of burdens)
11. Nehemiah’s solution
Leaders would live in Jerusalem
Temple Staff
1 in 10 by lots
12. Nehemiah recognized their monetary contributions
70 Some from among the heads of fathers’ households gave to the work.
The governor 1,000 gold drachmas, 50 basins, 530 priests’ garments.
the heads of fathers’ households 20,000 gold drachmas and 2,200 silver minas.
the rest of the people gave was 20,000 gold drachmas and 2,000 silver minas and 67 priests’ garments.
13. Now this phase is finished
Now the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, some of the people, the temple servants and all Israel, lived in their cities. And when the seventh month came, the sons of Israel were in their cities.
14. Break in the story
• Zerubbabel and Joshua………..Build the Temple
• Ezra the Scribe……………………..Restore Worship
• Nehemiah the Cupbearer…….Build the Wall
15. Some time passes
Nehemiah returned to Babylon
Elevated to Governor
16. Call a holy assembly
And all the people gathered as one man at the square which was in front of the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had given to Israel. Then Ezra brought the law before the assembly of all who could listen with understanding
17. Celebration starts with assembly
1 Corinthians 5:4…In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus,
let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together…but encouraging one another; and even more as you see the day drawing near.
18. Centrality of the Word
He read from it before the square which was in front of the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of men and women, those who could understand; and all the people were attentive to the book of the law.
19. Why
(Not seen)Revelation 1:3…Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it…
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
Romans 10:17
20. Responded to God
Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people…all the people stood up. Then Ezra blessed the Lord the great God. And all the people responded, “Amen, Amen!” lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the Lord…
21. Assembly leads to worship
John 4:23–24 (NASB95)
23 “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
22. Growth from understanding
[The Priests] and Levites, explained the law to the people while the people remained in their place. They read from the book, from the law of God, translating to give the sense so that they understood the reading.
23. Assembly changes hearts
Then Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep.” For all the people were weeping when they heard the words of the law.
24. Celebrate
“Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
25. Understanding leads to celebration
All the people went away to eat, to drink, to send portions and to celebrate a great festival, because they understood the words which had been made known to them.
26. Outcome
27. Can you guess what happened next?
Came back the next day
Rediscovered the Feast of Booths
“We have to do this!”
28. Party like it’s 444 BC
The sons of Israel had indeed not done so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day. And there was great rejoicing. Ezra read from the law of God daily, from the first to the last day. And they celebrated the feast seven days…
29. But that’s the Old Testament
In acts NT believers were said to have gladness when they fellowshipped
Gladness a state of intensive joy and gladness, often implying verbal expression and body movement (for example, jumping, leaping, dancing)
Feast for prodigal son
Luke 15:7…there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
30. Celebrate!
• Be a regular
• Be changed
• Be a part
• Be relational
• Be a builder
31. Celebrate!
Let’s pray
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