New Sermon Series "Construction Project"

Hey folks I'm getting ready to start a new series and I could use your help. I'm going to preach about the rebuilding of Jerusalem. I have listed the chronological order of the books of the Old Testament during this time period. I want to cover the rebuilding of the temple and the rebuilding of the walls. Drawing parallels to rebuilding our Temple (1 Peter 2) and rebuilding the walls as reaching into our community. Quite a lot of themes can be drawn. I included the book of Esther but I only have that for historical context. I need illustrations, stories, graphics, suggestion and a whole lot more. Read through this and let me know what you think.

Daniel 9 Daniel prays for the exile to end. Darius the Mede (539 BC)
Ezra 1-3:7 First year, return to Jerusalem, Cyrus is King (538 BC)
Ezra 3:8 Begin the second year Temple reconstruction begins (536 BC)
Haggai 1:1-14 (Aug 29) 1:15 (Sept 21, 520 BC) Work resumes on temple
Haggai 2:1-9 (Oct 17, 520 BC)
Zechariah 1:1-6 (Nov, 520 BC)
Haggai 2:10 (Dec 18, 520 BC)
Zechariah 1:7-6:15 (Feb 15, 519 BC)
Zechariah 7-14 (Dec 7, 518 BC)
Ezra 6:15-18 (Mar 12, 515 BC) Temple is completed
Ezra 6:19 (Ap 21, 515 BC)
Esther (483-473 BC)
Esther 1 (483 BC) Queen Vashti Deposed
Esther 2 (478 BC) Esther Becomes Queen, Mordecai Thwarts a Conspiracy
Esther 3 (474 BC) Haman Seeks Revenge on the Jews
Esther 4-8 (473 BC) Mordecai Informs Esther of Haman's Plot to Xerxes’ proclamation
Esther 9-10 (472 BC) Purim Instituted, Mordecai elevated
Ezra 7:8 (Aug 458 BC) Ezra arrives
Ezra 10:9 (Dec 19, 457 BC)
Nehemiah 1:1 (Oct-Nov 444 BC) Nehemiah approaches king
Nehemiah 2:1 Goes to Jerusalem (Mar-Ap 443 BC)
Nehemiah (444 BC) 3:1--6:15 wall is rebuilt
Nehemiah 5:14 (444-432 BC) Reign as governor
Nehemiah 8:2 (Oct 8 444 BC) Ezra reads the Law
Nehemiah 13:6 (432 BC) Nehemiah restores Law


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