The Will of the Lord notes for Sunday

The Will of the Lord Acts 21 & 22 Key Concept …be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. The Will of the Lord Acts 21 & 22 Will of God Positions in the Church.…………………………1 Cor 1:1 Submission to authority…………………………2 Cor 8:5 Doing your best work……………………………….Eph 6:6 Sanctification & avoidance of sin……….1 Thes. 4:3 Suffering……………………………..................Heb 10:36 Will of God Cease from sinning………………………………..1 Pe 4:1 Shepherd the flock………………………………….1 Pe 5:2 Careful walk…………………………………….…….Eph 5:17 Seeking God direction……………………………Jam 4:15 Submit to government…………………………..1 Pe 2:15 What is God’s will? Perfect Permissive Perfect and Permissive Marriage and divorce Meat offered to idols King for Israel The Garden Salvation Two-part idea God’s sovereignty Man’s freewill God’s Sovereignty For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether t...