Spiritual Emphasis Month January 2019 A Walk with the Lord Welcome to Spiritual Emphasis Month! What follows is like a spiritual discipline buffet. As with all buffets, you don’t have to eat everything! Read through this booklet and commit what your part will be to prayer. Next sit down with a calendar or piece of paper and map out what you will be doing for the month of January. Stretch yourself a little bit. Spiritual Disciplines to Practice Pray daily and Prayer Services Meditation and scripture parts Bible Fasting Worship daily Service Solitude Fellowship Prayer Pray daily. If you already spend time in pray daily, then look for ways to extend your prayer time. Make a list, ask for prayer requests, and pray for others. Here are some things and ways we are told to pray for in the New Testament: Pray for enemies, pray in secret, pray an hour, pray that you avoid temptation, forgive other in prayer, ask and believe, pray for those who mistreat you, pray as the Lord pra...